Thursday, November 11, 2010

Surgery Bills!

I'm a little bored tonight. So I decided to add up all of my bills from my gastric bypass.
I included all of the bills for my aftercare, labs, psychiatrist visits, the supervised diet visits, nutritionist visits, and any visits I had to make to my primary for approval. I also added in the bills from the complications I have had like the dehydration/low potassium and gallbladder surgery. Basically everything I had to pay to have this surgery so far. The totals amazed me. This doesn't include any prescription medicines I have had to have. I will add those up later and edit the post to include them :)

Total bills received: $134,241

Total paid by insurance: $55,690 (I have an Aetna PPO and Aetna has been nothing but AMAZING!)

Total out of my pocket: $2320 (my co-payments, deductibles and Dr visits)

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